Nombre alternativo

    Coin Type Rewarded for:
    Dragon Coin Killing Dragons or Real Money exchange.
    Quest Point Making Monster Quest
    Hunt Points Online Time, Killing Monsters, Making Events
    Dragon Coins Reward
    Monster Quantity
    Baby Dragon 1 Coin
    Red Dragon 5 Coin
    Golden Budge Dragon 10 Coin
    Elemental Dragon 10 Coin
    Golden Derkon 20 Coin
    Golden Great Dragon 40 Coin
    Golden Two Head Dragon 50 Coin
    Lord of Dragons 100 Coin
    Hunt Points Reward Online Time
    1 hour online 5 points
    Hunt Points Reward Events
    Event Name Quantity
    Blood Castle 1(20), 2(30), 3(40), 4(40), 5(50), 6(50), 7(60)
    Devil Square 1(20), 2(30), 3(40), 4(40), 5(50), 6(60)
    Chaos Castle 1(20), 2(30), 3(40), 4(40), 5(50), 6(50), 7(60)
    Castle Deep 20 Points for killing Hero's, 100 points for Erohim
    Battle Royale 100 Points for a Winner
    Nightmare 40 points for killing Maya Hands, 80 points for Nightmare
    Balgass 50 points for Dark Elf's, 100 points for Balgass
    Hunt Points Reward Monsters
    Monster Names Quantity
    Baby Dragon, Baby Spider, Shrime Gremlin 10 points
    Miniboss ( Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland ) 10 points
    Red Dragon, Queen of Icarus, Golden Budge Dragon 20 points
    Miniboss (Devias, Dungeon) 20 points
    Soul Reapers and all Goldens who dropped Box of kundun +1 25 points
    Miniboss ( Atlans, Losttower ) 25 points
    Spider Mother, Aqua Beast, Miniboss ( Tarkan ) 30 points
    All goldens who dropped Box of Kundun +2 30 points
    All goldens who dropped Box of Kundun +3 35 points
    Elemental Dragons 40 points
    All goldens who dropped Box of Kundun +4 40 points
    All goldens who dropped Box of Kundun +5 50 points
    Golden Two Head Dragon 60 points
    Kundun 100 points
    Medusa 120 points
    Selupan 120 points
    Lord of Dragons 200 points