Nombre alternativo

Information Rate
Experience 150x - Dynamic
Master Experience 5
Maximum Resets 50
Maximum Master Resets 2
Maximum Level 400
Maximum Master Level 200 - 1 point per level
Maximum Accs Per IP 3
Maximum Accs Per HWID 3
NPC Buff Up to 400lvl and 5 resets
Points per level 5-6 - BK/SM/ELF/SUM, 7 - MG/DL/RF
Helper 40lvl, free usage
Party gap 400lvl

Jewel Rate +Luck
Jewel of Bless 100% 100%
Jewel of Soul 50% 65%
Jewel of Life 55% 70%
Jewel of Harmony(Create) 90% -
Jewel of Harmony(Add) 50% 50%
Higher Refine Stone(Create) 50% 50%
Higher Refine Stone(Increase) 70% 70%

Command Description
/str Adds points to Strength
/agi Adds points to Agility
/vit Adds points to Vitality
/ene Adds points to Energy
/cmd Adds points to Command
/post Global message, cost: 500.000zen
/clearinv Clears your inventory
/item_name Shows item info. Example: /Bone Blade
/setparty xxx Making a "Code Party" from 1-9999
/joinparty xxx Join a "Code Party"
H Shows events and invasions time
F8 Shows Ranking in game
F10 Unlock/lock camera. Mousewheel to zoom in/out
F11 Resets the camera
F12 Minimize the game
End Opens VIP window
SHIFT + Right Click Sells items on post
SHIFT Shows items sold on post